08 May 2006

Bible Lessons from Space

Man from Space, Part 1 Continue -> Night after night the great telescopes have been trained upon the starry heavens. There’s a deep and hidden mystery some how connected with the stars in the sky. At this very moment out at Mount Polamar in California, the great 200 inch telescope is trained upon the stars while the world’s greatest astronomers anxiously tabulate the results of their sky study. Every night something new and different is discovered. And do you know that every night somewhere in this world men see unearthly objects with supernatural lights wisk through the skies, swift as the lightning and as silent as the grave. This is the day of amazing things for the heavens. Man-made satellites whirl in their orbits. Lunar II smashes into the surface of the moon only 84 seconds off course. A gentle touch-down on Venus makes spectacular headlines for Soviet space scientists. Why, friends, science fiction has become truth in these days of the twentieth century. The fact that many of these unearthly lights and many of these so-called flying saucers have never been explained is causing thinking men and women everywhere to ask this question, “Could it be that these things come from some other planet, that someone from outer space is responsible? Could it be that someone from outer space will one day come to this world? And if so, how will their arrival affect us in this planet? What will they be like? Will they be the proverbial little green men that say to earthmen, ‘Take us to your leader,’ or will they be men with wires running from them, more like machines? Or will they be an order of beings far superior to anything we have on this earth?” Strange as it may seem, though men and women, fearing and full of worry, are rushing to and fro, hither and yon, seeking the answers to these questions, and though our leaders seem to know nothing about it, the answer has already been given...

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